You are now reading a unique combination based on success, experience and knowledge. Here I define success as actively ending eczema within weeks without drugs. The experience shared is that of people who have achieved that success using the EXeczema® program. The knowledge will be a brief summary of my 40 years research into what:
• causes eczema,
• allows skin with eczema to heal itself
• you can do to prevent eczema ever coming back.
How can I gain your confidence rapidly so you keep reading and feel included? By beginning with the fact that I suffered from eczema for years as a young man. It was particularly severe on my face making it obviously visible to all those I met. The medical advisors all said it was there to stay as they could not do anything other than help me manage it. So, I was stuck with it.
Does that sound familiar? If it does then this document will be both a revelation and a challenge. A revelation because it will show you how I overcame my eczema and have remained in control of my skin for 40 years. A challenge because you will learn how my experience, success and knowledge have been easily appreciated and utilised by others who have done the same. They chose to actively end eczema, did it and then remained in control preventing its return.
The key word is control. I am talking about a much higher level than manage. When you manage eczema it is likely the eczema will continue or return as flares if it ever goes away. In fact we equate the word manage as meaning maintain; when you manage eczema you will maintain eczema. If you have been managing eczema and it is still there, or it keeps coming back, you will know what we mean by that word association.
This is the best place to suggest why a complicated condition like eczema can be stopped so abruptly. The knowledge I share with you allows you to appreciate eczema is a cycle. Fortunately, a cycle can be broken at a specific point. Once you appreciate the specific point we use you will appreciate how to break the cycle. Those who have succeeded in ending their eczema cycle listened, understood and acted on that single specific point.
What goes on within eczema skin is, and always will be, very complicated. Fortunately stopping eczema happens in the mind rather than the skin; it’s psychology rather than dermatology. The clue to breaking the eczema cycle rests in the mind. People who learn that and take the simple action to break the cycle will achieve a simple outcome. They end eczema. They did something different and triggered a different outcome. Eczema goes. Other people who choose to continue doing to the skin what they have always been doing, will see the skin stay as it is. Eczema continues.
You might like those words but ask what about flares? How do you stop those after the skin has healed itself of eczema? They are both really important questions for two vital reasons:
1. You have used your mind in forming the questions which means you have already begun to appreciate that the real challenge is in using the mind to best effect.
2. We show you how to recognise the very first sign that a flare might be coming allowing you to stop that before it gets going.
When you have ended eczema life still goes on with all its ups and downs, all its stresses and worries. And you have the same skin which went into eczema before. So if life and skin are still the same, what is different for those who have escaped eczema. It’s their mindset. The only “cure” in the EXeczema® process is a cure of the mindset that eczema must continue.
When you see the word ‘we’ in this document, it is referring to the many people who have become EXeczema® successes. You will gain from their collective experience and knowledge. I am simply the person they:
• chose to listen to and trust,
• opted to share their thoughts with, and
• allowed to include them in the ever-growing global EXeczema® community.
Let’s begin with the registered name EXeczema®. The first two letters come from EXplain. We find that very few people involved in eczema ever explain eczema. That’s usually because nobody has explained it to them. I think you will agree that none of those people wanted the eczema to go on for so long causing all that misery. Yet they lacked the knowledge to EXplain it to themselves and therefore could not EXplain it to you. In the EXeczema® program we will EXplain it to you. In a very short time you will be able to EXplain eczema to yourself, to your family and friends and, should you chose to, the team who were helping you manage eczema.
This is when you are encouraged to say “those are nice words” and remind yourself you’ve heard nice words before in your time with eczema. Yet the eczema is probably still there and out of control. How can you have heard nice words from all those other people and still be battling with eczema whereas our nice words will put you in control of that skin?
Bethan Amblin is probably the easiest way to convince you. Her story also proves how we continue to support people long after they have become EXeczema® successes and learned to control their skin. Bethan suffered from very bad eczema as a young child. Her condition was so severe her mother had to learn how to apply two layers of bandages every night in the hope it would stop her from scratching to the point of blood on the sheets. Her mother became very skilled at the wet wrapping method to manage eczema, but the eczema just kept getting worse. By the time Bethan went to her first school, eczema was controlling her life.
Fast forward ten years and Bethan has written a book on her journey to eczema control. The book is called Eczema. The inside view and it really is a revelation. In fact people quickly began calling it the eczema sensation. In the book Bethan explains that it was not her skin that was cured; she was cured of the mindset which told her that eczema must go on forever. As soon as she gained that new mindset her skin healed itself within weeks without drugs.
Why mention the book here and now? For many reasons:
1. It is a real-life story of one individual who used a change in mindset to gain control of her skin.
2. She is a school-girl who wants to go on to study medicine and feels sharing her story is one way she can help many others around the world.
3. The book includes references to medical evidence providing readers with confidence that what she shares has full medical credibility.
4. It was written ten years after she became the first documented EXeczema® success showing that we like to keep our community ongoing and active. Even though Bethan ended her eczema all those years ago, she and her family have continued to support my efforts to universally end eczema.
How will you feel when you become part of that community? Who will you help to gain control over eczema when you have the simple knowledge we share? How much time and money will you save when eczema ceases to be the main thing on your mind when you wake up in the morning? What will you do when you get your life back because the eczema is under control? Answers to all those questions arise as you progress along your own journey to EXeczema® success.
By providing your email address to download this document you have the opportunity to gain control over eczema, to actively end eczema within weeks without drugs. Rest assured that I will be with you during that journey to wonderful skin. Use Bethan’s story to be confident that you will then be one of the very few who can help others do the same. However you will need more than this document. It is just the beginning. Here we hope to ignite a belief that the real-life successes you will be gaining knowledge and experience from are genuine people who genuinely want to help you.
Obviously you have yet to meet them. At this moment you have just taken a small gamble in swapping your email address for some download content. You may have done that many times in your time with eczema. Why should this time be different? Because now you are beginning to see why this community is growing around the world. Eczema is the same thing in all nations, in all ethnic cultures. You will learn why the common features allow you to EXplain it. That knowledge earns you the choice to do something different. And hope arises from different.
Focus on that for a moment. If you keep doing what you have been doing, is the skin likely to stay red and itchy? If you keep doing the same, will you achieve more of the same? Sadly people with prolonged eczema know that all too well. If you want a different outcome, is it likely you will want to do something different? Fortunately the word hope can be associated with the word different. When you do different you gain hope. In fact that hope arises from simply knowing that something different actually exists. New choices begin to appear.
If you want to become part of this success community you are most welcome. However you will need to earn that success, just as all the others have done around the world. You will be invited to journey along a path to wonderful skin and then help others do the same. Yes, we are tolerant of the few people who use what we provide to end their eczema and then never speak of their success to others. That would be their choice as we fully understand why someone who used to be plagued by eczema may be dreaming of never mentioning the word again. Sadly we all know what happens to dreams when you wake up. You realise they were only dreams.
The really wonderful thing about the EXeczema® community is that we stay together because we each gain so much from helping one more person. And then another. Each of us recalls that moment when a switch flicked in our minds and we saw how easy it is to end eczema and gain control of the skin. Trust me, that moment is available to you.
What if you could wake up every day in the reality of being in control of that skin which used to be red and itchy? And if you could do that, how would you feel about bringing others to their own realisations of how easily they could achieve the same?
Let me share one of the really emotive experiences we enjoy. Imagine you are looking at the face of a baby or toddler suffering from eczema. In your mind focus on the look in their eyes; that look of misery. Now imagine how you will feel after you have provided the clue which ended their eczema. Perhaps it is only a month after you saw that look of abject misery. Now you are seeing joy in those eyes; a real glow. It’s happiness being expressed by the child and you know it was your action which ended their eczema misery. How will that make you feel? And then, how many more times do you want to experience that wonderful feeling?
Earning that feeling for yourself many times over is what fuels the global EXeczema® campaign and acts as the glue combining us all in this community. We love how we feel when one more person of any age achieves success and gains control over their skin. Everyone in our community is free to leave. They stay because they want more of that fantastic feeling over and over again.
How long will it take for you to gain that feeling? If you choose to follow our suggested path you can expect to be ending eczema within weeks, certainly within a month. Within hours of beginning the Full Control Program you will have learned to EXplain eczema and that earns you the choice of staying with eczema or gaining the control to end it. You will NOT be curing the skin of eczema. The skin will heal itself as soon as you cure the mindset which has been telling you eczema will go on forever. Those are Bethan’s words which you can read in her book.
We like people to take their time while becoming an EXeczema® success. It’s rarely a good idea to rush any organ and the skin has many ways of reacting against you when you try to rush it. Take your time. The speed at which the skin will heal itself has been set by Nature. It is in the genes so let it happen at the natural speed. You probably have experience of eczema going on for month after month. Some of you will have been battling it for decades. Allowing the skin to heal itself within weeks is ample speed. So relax in the knowledge that the many who have trodden that path before you are there to help you at every step if you want.
As of now, you are in control. You can choose to stay with eczema. Many will take that choice as they know how to manage eczema. It is their skin, their life and they choose to stay in their comfort zone. Assuming of course they equate the word eczema with comfort.
The brave will dare to hope. Hope arises in the mind. Hope grows from knowing something different is available. Something which equates to a simple change in mindset. It begins with a thought.
On the EXeczema® journey you will gain the wisdom to appreciate the red itchy patches of eczema are actually the skin’s way of defending the person. Rather than thinking the skin is working against you, we show why the skin is actually protecting you from certain products. You learn to protect the skin by ceasing to apply those products. Eczema is an irritant reaction which is why those itchy patches are red and inflamed. If you apply an irritant to irritated skin, is the skin likely to stay irritated? If you feel the answer to that question is yes, then you are very close to achieving the new mindset you will use to end eczema and gain control. You will have learned how to protect the skin.
What comes next? The usual process is to look at Bethan’s book. It’s written in a relaxed style. For people who tend away from reading text, she has inserted frequent graphics so someone can gain the gist by simply flicking through and only looking at those graphics. It’s a shortish book which can be purchased as either a printed copy or a digital pdf download, whichever you prefer.
You will learn why ending eczema falls into the realms of psychology. It is a matter of realising what choices you have and taking the choice of ending the eczema. It is a binary choice; you either stay with eczema or you leave it behind.
Once you appreciate that you will be ready to invest in the coaching process we call the Full Control Program. That takes you step by step to eczema-free skin with me sending you emails every day for a month to provide personal support every day. During that program you will learn how to EXplain eczema, how to use your new mindset which allows the skin to heal itself and how to remain in control of skin.
Thank you for your valuable time in reading this. I look forward to welcoming you into the EXeczema® community.
Our e-books will help you on your journey to
What is eczema?
This e-book from Dr. Harley Farmer EXplains eczema in new and different terms. The new knowledge contained in this book will help you understand the factors that cause the skin to be inflamed and itchy. You can then choose to avoid the cause and give the skin a greater chance of healing itself.
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